Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year Post!

Happy New Year!
Happy Makar Sankranti!!
Happy Pongal!!!
To all!!!!

This is first post of this year and I am already 15 days snailing late. Yet I am happy that even though it didn't seem feasible, I made it here. Due to situation, work pressure and health issues; I didn't think I could make it to here. But I did. And it was possible because of your love and appreciation (& your sweet words too ;)).

First of all, a very very happy new year to all my friends. I wish that this year brings you all that you kept complaining about in its ancestor year. Well! Mine one started with a kick off vacation and visit to my cousin's house. I enjoyed so much there that finally due to tiredness and sudden climate change I got severe cold and fever. But now I am fine and all set to boom.

In a quick peek, if I say then last year was a tumultuous one for me, a year that I will remember forever. It was a year where a cried the most, I laughed the most, I lost in huge and again what I gained was no less too. It's the year which gave me a name, a recognition that I always dreamed of. The journey was knee-jerking nonetheless it was memorable. I met a lot of people, made new friends. I got to know about different cultures and states. On the other hand I was dragged into some unfair matters where my conscience didn't allow me to go with and I took the stand. I had to pay the price but my peace was saved at the end of the day. And in the end I came out as a sharp, bold, skilled and strong person, both emotionally and intellectually. I am happy the way year 2014 ended. 

Now before I ramble a lot about this and that, let me spill the set of resolutions of this year. Everyone has their share of flaws. And the person who knows how overcome those hurdle is winner at the end. Because I believe you are the biggest competitor of yourself and your yesterday is the biggest challenge for your today. So follow are the my set of resolution. Let's have a peek:

1.Give More Of Myself To Me: The first foremost for yourself is you and  when you forget this thing you regret. People started to ignore you, say unpleasant things before your face not caring how you will feel about it. And at that time you start cursing yourself. But instead of curse, start loving yourself. More than anyone’s love you need your own love. So this year I hope to love more to myself. It may seem selfish, yet I would not ignore myself. Little pampering, small rewards and bit more of adrenaline rush is what I am planning for myself.

2.Help The Needed At Least Once In A Month: Today the society has become so self-centered that the future seems really destructive. The day is not far away when your own blood will be against your life. No one has time to look about the begging child at road side. No one has the time to stop by and call ambulance when someone is dying. Why me only? Others can do. This has become the primary and common notion. But before preaching others I should look at myself. Have I helped anyone? May be! But from now on this may be will turn into a firm yes!I have. From now on I will help at least once in a month to someone who is in need. Be it monetary help or emotional support. I won't be struggling with those typical questions. 

3.More Work, More Fun: Once I stepped into the IT industry I got to know what real responsibility is. I understood how important it is to think before act and most importantly act. When I started working on my first project, it was tough it had a strict timeline. I was new and I had to give extra hours to learn and complete the work. But when the project ended, the hard work was appreciated, I was on heaven. I had the exact feeling of finding that blue lotus in deep valleys of Himalaya. And slowly that appreciation and affection of teammates is turning me towards to work. Now I am in no mood to stop. I will push myself to edge. I will work more, try to improvise myself and give my best. And at the end I will reward myself too. I will have fun. I will enjoy every moment. If life gives me lemon, I will make lemonade. Because who know what's there in tomorrow. Today is yours, live it to fullest.

4.Start Counting:It seems to be high time to start counting two biggest currencies of life. Penny and Time. Time is money and Money is time. We all know this. Yet since childhood I have never kept track of either. I am a chronic procrastinator. And I have suffered a lot in past, have been scolded profusely by mom, dejected by friends. That was okay. But now the situation has changed and responsibility has increased by many folds. Now I am on my own. I need to pay my own bills. My work-hours are being counted. I have to balance my full-time job, my hobbies and personal life. So before the matter slips out of my hand, I will try to keep a track of both. 

5.Steel The Determination: There are a few projects and a few ideas in mind from a long time. But I am unable to work on them. First because of poor management of time. And secondly due to lack of determination. But this year I want to finish them. At least at the end of year I will have satisfaction that these projects are not piled up and ignored.

6.More Sorry, More Thanks Yous': If someone asks what is your weakness. My answer will be 'people management'. I try but I fail and I suffer. I am the one missing from the group. I am the one friends complaint about a lot. But from now I will try not to give them any chance to complaint. I will be a good friend who they can count in social gatherings. For that I am planning to schedule my time for friends and family. I will try to communicate with them (whatsup doesn’t count in it) and at least once in a month.

7.Learn At Least One New Language: This has been in my wish list from along time. I want to widen my linguistic arena to a new milestone. I want to learn one more language. And I will. Everyday I will take out only fifteen minutes for it and hope at the end of this year I will master over that language.

8.Read Everyday! Write Everyday!:  Reading gives me a chance to escape from this confusing way around and let my imagination to travel to anywhere anytime. With turning pages, I cocoon myself with the imagination of the writer between the lines. It gives me the solace. It doesn’t question my weird ways like others. Exactly the same with writing. It allows me to open up, express what is clamped inside me. And I want to make it a habit. Take some time everyday to write. Anything. Even small notes matter. But write something everyday and read something everyday.

Well! That’s all. That’s all for next 350 days. I hope that I will keep them because people near to me say that I am a ‘crazy’ girl. And I know craze will drive me up the wall.

Don't forget to drop by and tell me how was your new year? What is new added in your list. I am with all my eager bunny ears.

Love Life! Courtesy-Google Image


  1. Great set of resolutions....
    Wish u all the very best....:-P

  2. I loved your resolutions. All the best in keeping them :)

  3. Well, those are some resolutions! I really liked them all. Good luck keeping them.

  4. Those resolutions are wonderful, wishing you all the very best . You have a lovely blog :)

  5. Seems you had a steep learning curve the previous year. Nice to see you take it in the right spirit. Good wishes for your resolutions for year 2015. Hope you fulfill them all.

    By the way which language are you taking up? That's one of the resolutions I have set forth for this year. Want to proudly say "Hablo español" by the end of this year :)


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